Activity One – Guide

If possible cast the game onto a big screen.

Play levels 1 & 2 as a class

Once you reach level 3:

  1. Move the bar to the left of the screen
  2. Press play
  3. Class discussion – what do we think happened here? Why might this have occurred?

Explanation: This level demonstrates we can not always predict the movement of a system purely based on the parts we can see – We need to see how the nodes interact within a system

Nodes are important parts of a system that help everything else work together. 

Think of them like the hub of a wheel that connects all the other parts together.

Question/Class discussion

When we added in the extra ‘bounce’ bar what happened?

Explanation: Node became more important

Level 4 of the activity have students individually:

  • Identify the nodes
  • Choose a part and describe how it interacts with the system

Have students log in to their module Activity One and complete the set tasks.