Activity 2: Four Emotions

Our ability to imagine the future is not only dependent on logical thinking, but also on our emotions. This activity developed by the Institute for the Future will help you to analyse your emotions to gain fresh insights into both positive and negative outcomes of the future of AI in education. It will also help you improve empathy and cognitive flexibility by activating the posterior cingulate cortex, a part of the brain that makes us more receptive to new information. 

Imagine a world in which auto-marking exams through AI is reliable, efficient, impartial and accessible to all schools

What might happen in this world that would make you feel:

  • Emotion 1: nervous or anxious?
  • Emotion 2: thankful?
  • Emotion 3: angry?
  • Emotion 4: happy?

For each emotion, vividly describe a future event or situation that would evoke that specific feeling.  

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