Assessment and checkpoint tasks

Congratulations on choosing to participate in STEMIE
The first thing you will need to do is decide on the theme for the year. Your school will need to choose one of the following themes:

  • Revolutionary Resources
  • Flood! Fire! Famine!
  • Carnival Capers
  • Movie Magic
  • Mars Mission

Detailed information about each theme can be found in the STEMIE tabs about each theme. 

Assessment – Introduction

Assessment within STEMIE will be through the UniSA STEMIE email address  Schools must submit the 6 required tasks to a satisfactory standard to qualify for the Regional Showcase event. There are 20 Assessable Tasks, only 6 are required and the 14 remaining tasks are optional.

Details of each of the assessable tasks are found on the assessment matrix relevant to your school’s selected theme. 

Assessment – The Process

At school, groups of students will need to work through STEMIE to produce evidence of Assessable Tasks (at a satisfactory standard) for submission at Checkpoints throughout the year.

The submission requirements for each of the three Checkpoints are as follows:

  • Checkpoint 0 (End of May) – optional checkpoint task

Feedback will be provided for any schools that have submitted tasks fro assessment by the end of May. 

Note – Checkpoint 0 is not a required deadline; it is optional for early feedback to those schools working on STEMIE in Semester 1.

Compulsory checkpoints:

  • Checkpoint 1 (Friday, Week 2 of Term 3) 

Required Task (R1) Submission of Timeline showing proposed dates and progress

  • Checkpoint 2 (Friday, Week 8 of Term 3) 

Required Tasks (R2-5) Submission of required tasks in each of the Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics components

  • Checkpoint 3 (Last day of Term 3) – Final Progress task

Required Task (R6)  STEMIE Summary Task available for viewing, online link provided to UniSA STEMIE team. 

The deadline for all checkpoints is 8:00pm on the dates listed above. Links to view submissions must be available by this time. All submissions must be available for viewing online (website preferred, or Google drive/ drop box link with unlisted access).  

School submissions will be assessed to ensure they meet a satisfactory level. Contact with the school will be made if work does not demonstrate a satisfactory completion. Feedback, along with an opportunity to resubmit will be given to the school. For a school to qualify to compete at their Regional Showcase event, all 6 required tasks must be submitted by Checkpoint 3.

 If you have any questions about STEMIE Assessment or submission of tasks you can email